When configured, Submitty can send instructor announcements and other important messages to users via email. Please see the System Administrator Documentation: Email Configuration

On the developer vagrant machine, the sending of emails is simulated with the nullsmtpd server.

  1. The email configuration file, /usr/local/submitty/config/email.json, should contain:

        "email_enabled": true,
        "email_sender": "submitty@myuniversity.edu",
        "email_reply_to": "submitty_do_not_reply@myuniversity.edu",
        "email_server_hostname": "localhost",
        "email_server_port": 25
  2. Verify that the nullsmtpd daemon is running:

    systemctl status nullsmtpd

    If it is not running, run the following command to start it:

    systemctl start nullsmtpd
  3. After performing an action on the website that should trigger emails, you can check the contents of the emails table in the master submitty database.

    And you can also inspect the logged messages for each user here:
