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First clone the repository and set up Vagrant. Once you have that finished, open PhpStorm and make a New Project from Existing Files using the repository root as your project. When prompted to select your scenario, select Source files are in a local directory, no Web server is yet configured.

Configure a SFTP connection

Configuring a SFTP connection to your vagrant virtual machine allows PhpStorm to do thing like access the remote PHP interpreter and deploy file changes automatically. This step should be done first as this connection will be used in many of the later steps.

Open Tools > Deployment... > Configuration. Press the + and add a server of type SFTP. Give the server a name, like Submitty Vagrant. Set the following parameters under the Connection tab:

Under the Mappings tab, set the following:

Running code from vagrant

This step will configure PhpStorm to use the PHP CLI that is configured inside your vagrant machine. It is important to use this PHP installation as opposed to some other one as it ensures environment consistency among developers and production servers.

Under PhpStorm settings, open PHP. Press the ... button next to CLI Interpreter and, on the left list of the interpreters window, press the + and select From Docker, Vagrant, VM, Remote.... Select Vagrant from the list of radio buttons. Then press OK to add the interpreter and OK to save the list of interpreters.

Deploying updates automatically to vagrant

Open Tools > Deployment... > Options. Set Upload changed files automatically to the default server to Always. Press OK to save this.

Enable PHP debugging using xdebug

Under PhpStorm settings, open PHP > Debug. In the pre-configuration steps, press Validate to open the configuration validator. Choose Remote Web Server and set the following:

Press the Validate button to make sure the setup works.

At this point you may see an error message that says Specified URL is not reachable, caused by: 'Request failed with status code 404'. You may safely disregard this message.

Follow instructions 2 - 4 on this website to prepare PhpStorm for debugging and add bookmarklets to enable xdebug from your browser.

Connecting to the PostgreSQL database

Open a database window by going to View > Tool Windows > Database. Press the + button and under Data Source choose to add a PostgreSQL database. Then set the following:

Press Test Connection to verify that it works. Press OK to confirm adding the database.

Next to the database name in the panel, there should be a label that says 1 of 6. This is actually a button. Click it to see the other databases and turn on the check next to submitty_s18_sample to show that database in the list. Press the refresh arrows and some schemas should appear under submitty_s18_sample. Click the check next to the public schema to show it in the list.

Now you can browse the tables in the database window by expanding the tabs next to the public schema. Double click on any table to see and edit its contents.

Running PHPUnit tests

Under PhpStorm settings, open PHP > Test Frameworks. Press the + button to add a testing configuration, using the PHPUnit by Remote Interpreter type. Choose the interpreter you configured in earlier steps. Then set:

Press OK to save the test configuration.

Then you need to add a run configuration for PHPUnit. Open Run > Edit Configurations. Press the + button and add a PHPUnit configuration. Set:

Press OK to save the test run configuration. You should be able to run it as normal (or even with coverage!) from the Run menu.

Debugging JavaScript in PhpStorm

This one is not as guaranteed as the others. Make sure you have already ran the Deploying updates to vagrant steps. Also, you need to use Google Chrome for this.

You’ll need to install the JetBrains IDE Support plugin for Chrome. Then, after navigating to the page with the JavaScript you want to debug, right click the extension and press Inspect in PhpStorm. If it decides to work, you’ll see a banner in Chrome that says "JetBrains IDE Support" is debugging this browser. Note that closing the banner will disconnect the debugger so you’ll have to leave it up.

Then, you should be able to set breakpoints in your JavaScript files in PhpStorm and debug them.

If that doesn’t work

Alternatively, you can debug in Chrome by using a custom run configuration. Open Run > Edit Configurations. Press the + button and add a JavaScript Debug configuration. Set:

In the Remote URLs of local files (optional) section, find site/public and give it a Remote URL of http://localhost:1511.

Press OK to save the run configuration. If you then Debug the configuration, it should open a new Chrome process and automatically start debugging, note that this Chrome will not have any of your user data / configuration / extensions. Note that if you Run the configuration you will not be able to debug JavaScript.

Making debugging less annoying

During debugging, you may get decently upset at how often you step into magic methods and class loaders etc. There’s an easy fix for this:

Under PhpStorm settings, open PHP > Debug > Step Filters. Check Skip magic methods and add the following to Skipped Methods:

Add the following to Skipped Files: