Currently, VirtualBox does not have support for Apple ARM, and the Vagrant configuration we use does not work on Apple Silicon Macs. To get around this, you can use an alternate configuration with a plugin for QEMU virtual machines.

Note: These instructions are specifically for Apple Silicon computers and will not work on any other system regardless of architecture.


  1. Make sure you have an Apple Silicon Mac running macOS Monterey (12.4) or higher.

  2. Make sure you have at least 65GB of free space on your disk to allocate for the virtual machine.

  3. The installation process may take upwards of an hour or more. Make sure your computer is connected to a reliable power source and stable network, and that it does not go to sleep or hibernate during the installation process.

Pre-Installation Steps

  1. Enable SMB file sharing

    • Open System Settings and navigate to Sharing
    • Turn on File Sharing and go to options
    • Check “Share files and folders using SMB”
    • Check the box next to your username
    • Click Done


  1. Install Homebrew
    $ /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

    Follow the prompts and continue with the installation process.

  2. Download and install Vagrant and QEMU

    Both of these packages are fairly simple to install with homebrew:

    $ brew install qemu
    $ brew install --cask vagrant
    $ vagrant plugin install vagrant-timezone
    $ vagrant plugin install vagrant-qemu

    Note: It is possible that you may need to install Rosetta before installing vagrant. Run the following command to install Rosetta:

    $ sudo softwareupdate --install-rosetta
  3. Clone and open the Submitty repository

    Navigate to the parent folder you want to clone into and do

    $ git clone
    $ cd Submitty

    NOTE: If you are not part of the Submitty organization on GitHub, you may want to first fork the repository and clone your fork instead, especially if you are looking to contribute.

    OPTIONAL: If you will be developing code in one of the companion Submitty repositories (e.g., AnalysisTools, Lichen, Localization, RainbowGrades, Tutorial), also clone those repositories to the same directory. For example:

    └── myusername
        └── Submitty
            └── GIT_CHECKOUT
                ├── AnalysisTools  (optional)
                ├── Lichen         (optional)
                ├── Localization   (optional)
                ├── RainbowGrades  (optional)
                ├── Submitty
                └── Tutorial       (optional)

    This host directory structure will be shared / synced between your host operating system and the Submitty virtual machine.

  4. Start up Vagrant and provision the machine

    $ vagrant up --provider=qemu

    You may be prompted to enter your login username and password to mount the SMB files.

    After the machine is provisioned, it will start to run the Submitty installation. This process may take upwards of an hour or more depending on your internet speed, so ensure your computer does not go to sleep during it.

    If the installation process fails due to network issues or is interrupted in some way, you may need to delete it and start over from the beginning with:

    $ vagrant destroy
    $ vagrant up --provider=qemu
  5. After the vagrant up command completes, the VM is started and running in the background.

    The VM will continue to run jobs in the background and consume a nontrivial amount of CPU resources, while completing a backlog of autograding for a dozen or more sample submissions for each of the more than 100 users in the sample courses.

    If your development work will not require sample assignment submissions or autograding results, you may prepend NO_SUBMISSIONS=1 to the previous command, which will skip the creation of these sample submissions and their autograding and decrease the time to complete installation.

    $ NO_SUBMISSIONS=1 vagrant up
  6. When the install has completed, you should see the message:
                         INSTALLATION SUCCESS!
                     'GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGb        .
                        %GGGGGGGGGGGGGGG~   ..GSGGG
                         ;GGGGGGGGGGGGp\ \ \GGGGGGGGL
                        !GGGGGGGGGGGGGGS\ \ \GGGGGG
                        GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG\ \ \9GGGG
                        %GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGS/ / /.GGG
                         %GGGGGGGGGGGGGS/ / /GGG

    NOTE: There are times when the install will pause for a brief period with the message Done. This does not mean the install has ended, and the install should continue after a bit of time.

    If you do not see this message due to an error or the installation has frozen, check out:

Now you can continue with the regular development instructions…

Using your Submitty Developer VM