GSoC Final Submission Review: Streamlining the Notebook Builder UI for Automated Grading

Participating in the Submitty project during GSoC has been a transformative experience, offering a deep dive into software development, communication with mentors, and hands-on problem-solving. My project focused on enhancing the Notebook Builder, a user interface that allows instructors to create interactive notebooks. These notebooks can be used as tutorial teaching materials or web-based exams, supporting basic markdown text formatting and various types of student input, such as multiple choice, short answers, and syntax-highlighted code boxes.

Throughout this project, I raised several pull requests (PRs), each contributing to the functionality and usability of the Notebook Builder:

PRs Done Before GSoC

PRs Done During GSoC


I am deeply grateful to Barbara Cutler and William Allen for their invaluable support throughout this project. Barbara provided crucial insights into the project’s broader scope, while William’s regular meetups were instrumental in guiding me through PHP debugging and best practices, especially as a newcomer to the language.

Thank you,
Sahil Suman