In the summer of 2021, I mostly worked on creating new pages for instructors, sysadmins, and faculties. Most of these pages are meant to bring out information that is only available to those who have SSH access into the Submitty machine or those who have access to our database. Through these page, the non-student users of the system will be better informed on the status of the System and be more confident when using our system. In addition, they will also be able to better understand the status of the system as compared to when they had to go through the ssh or the sysadmin to get the information or confirmation they need.

Email Status

Throughout the Submitty system, there are a couple places where emails are sent to notify the users. This includes the forum messages and regrade requests which are widely used in each course. However, to see the status of the email sending requests they must either contact the system administrator, or access the Submitty database. This page served to bridge the gap between the faculties and the email database on our system. To implement this page, I had to

I also eventually brought the page to the system administrators, which required me to

Sysadmin Email All Page

This page was designed to allow the system administrators to contact the Submitty users. Some cases in which this might be used is when there is in times of an emergency in which the users need to be contacted through the secondary emails the users specified in their profile, and when there is a big feature change which the instructors need to be aware of. For this page, I had to

Student Activity Dashboard

This page was designed to allow the instructors to monitor the students’ activities on the system so that the instructors can be sure the students are staying up to date on the course work, and also allows the instructors to reach out to the student before it is too late. This page was originally designed by Roland Rao, and I took over his work for the Summer. In this feature, I contributed by

Docker UI

This page was an existing page on the system which I revamped during this Summer. This page allows the user to see the details and credentials of the docker containers installed on the system. The work which I have done on this page include

Autograding Status

This page serves as the gap between the instructors and the autograding status of the system, which is another piece of information on the system only available to those with SSH access to the machine. On this feature, I had to