As a first time Submitty developer, I began with familiarizing myself with the parts of Submitty and standard procedures of development. I started out with working on some smaller issues and feature additions, as well as reviewing others’ pull requests, which helped me get familiar with the project overall.

Further into the summer, I worked on some late days issues for a while and then shifted focus to learning about Docker and its use with autograding, as well as investigating performance issues that result in incorrect grades being assigned when grading too many assignments in parallel.

The Docker performance is complicated and needs more work to get to a proper solution. I mainly worked on trying to identify what causes the performance issues and searched for ways that might help solve the problem. Ideally, it would be great to always get the correct autograding result, but the next best would be to provide warnings or errors to suggest fewer autograding jobs should be run in parallel.

Smaller fixes and features

In progress work

Other work

Future work