To do this we’ve modified certain important aspects of the Google Style Guide. This is a living document and will likely change as new issues arise.
When contributing to the homework server keep the following guidelines in mind.
General Rules
- Code should never be more than 80 characters per line
Header Files
- Header files should have #define guards
- Only fully define a function in the class prototype if the code for the function is one line.
- C++ code can be written below the class prototype in the header file
- Declaration comments describe use of the function; comments at the definition of a function describe its operation.
- Non-function/non-class comments that describe some functionality of a block of code should be less than 60 characters
Class Names
Type or class names should begin with a capital letter and have every word after begin with a capital letter (camel casing).
class MyClassName {...}
Function Names
All functions should be camel cased with the first letter being lowercase.
void getJesseSushi();
Variable Names
All variables should be lower case with underscores
int cats_in_house = 0;