Minimum Version: 8.1

For PHP, we use a foundation of PSR-1 and PSR-12, with some slight modifications on code structure and naming conventions. These customizations are shown below.

Linting Code

We use a custom standard for the phpcs tool, available at Submitty/submitty-php-codesniffer. To set up the tool to use it, all you need to do is run composer install from within the site/ directory, which handles installing the dependencies and setting up the phpcs install paths. To run phpcs, you can use the following command:

php vendor/bin/phpcs [path/to/file/or/directory]

where if you leave off the path, it will analyze all files and directories for Submitty. Additionally, you can apply the automatic fixer to your code by running:

php vendor/bin/phpcbf [path/to/file/or/directory]

Classes, Methods

class Test {
    public function foo() {
        // code

    public function method(
    ) {
        // code

Control Structures

if ($foo) {
    // code
elseif ($bar) {
    // code
else {
    // code
do {
    // code
} while ($foo);

Naming Conventions

Type Declarations

Wherever possible, you should use type declarations in your code. This helps our static analysis tool function more accurately, as well as potentially allow PHP to catch when functions are called with the wrong types of parameters. This hepls us alleviate potentially trickier to catch runtime errors on invalid types for arguments. Whenever possible, you should declare the type inline with the code:

function foo(string $bar, ?int $baz): string;

In some cases, such as for arrays of a type or mixed values, this is not possible. In these cases, you should write the type out in the docstring using phpDocumentator conventions. However, if possible, still attempt to put a type (such as array) inline in the code. However, this should only be done as absolutely necessary, with a preference to inline type hinting so that it can take advantage of PHP’s builtin type checking as well during runtime (especially in files using strict typing (see below). An example using array of one type of object and union types:

 * @param string[] $bar
 * @param A|B $baz
function foo(array $bar, $baz): void;

For new classes, or classes that are well tested, they should also have a strict typing declaration at the top. This prevents PHP from attempting to silently coerce parameters of the wrong type to the right type (e.g. coercing an integer to a string for example), but instead throw an error instead. To do this, place at the top of the file:

