Submitty supports construction of mixed instructional and webform gradeables called Notebooks. Notebooks can be used to create tutorial teaching material interspersed with exercises or web-based exams. Notebooks support basic markdown text formatting and collect student input through multiple choice (radio button or multiple selection checkboxes), single or multi-line short answers, and syntax highlighted code boxes.

Submitty Notebooks also support url links and the display of images, which is useful for display of complex exam question formatting (e.g., examination questions prepared in LaTeX, Word, or another document formatting software).

Complete Notebook Examples

Please refer to these complete sample notebook configurations:

Notebook Configuration

Notebooks are different from standard file submissions in that a notebook may contain several different types of inputs or outputs. The available types of input and outputs are defined by setting the type and are as follows:

Label Value
Short answer input short_answer
Multiple choice input multiple_choice
Markdown markdown
Image image
File Submission Area file_submission

Notebook config.json example

Some of the config fields have been truncated for brevity and not all possible options are shown

    "autograding" : { ... },
    "notebook" : [
            "type": "markdown",
            "markdown_string": "What is the name of this planet?"
            "type": "image",
            "image" : "earth.jpg",
            "alt_text" : "The third planet from the sun.",
            "height": 300,
            "width": 300
            "type": "multiple_choice",
            "filename": "select_one.txt",
                {"value": "earth", "description": "Earth - Our planet"},
                {"value": "venus", "description": "Venus - The hottest planet"},
                {"value": "jupiter", "description": "Jupiter - The largest planet"}
            "allow_multiple": false
          "type": "markdown",
          "markdown_string": "What did you think of this course?"
          "type": "short_answer",
          "filename": "feedback.txt",
          "initial_value": "Enter your feedback here..."
    "testcases" : [ ... ]

Short Answer Input

field filename
required true
type string
value Filename where results of submission will be saved.
Initial Value  
field initial_value
required false
type string
value A value to pre-populate into short answer box.
Programming Language  
field programming_language
required false
type string
value Programming language that will be entered into the short answer box and will be used for syntax highlighting.
notes CodeMirror is used to generate codebox inputs. Therefore when selecting a value for this field you may select one from their list of languages.
field rows
required false
type int
value Height of the short answer box in rows.

Multiple Choice Input

field filename
required true
type string
value Filename where results of submission will be saved.
field choices
required true
type array
value An array of javascript objects which describe a value and description for each choice.
notes Each choice should take the form of {"value": "1", "description": "Choice 1"}
Allow multiple choices  
field allow_multiple
required false
default false
type bool
value true or false
notes If true allows multiple values to be selected, if false only one value may be selected.
Allow psuedo-randomization  
field randomize_order
required false
default false
type bool
value true or false
notes If true, choices are psuedo-randomized, i.e for given pair of gradeable and student, order of choices is always same.


field markdown_string
required true
type string
value A markdown string to be displayed.


field image
required true
type string
value The filename of the image to display.
Image Height  
field height
required false
default native
type int
value The height in pixels the image should be displayed at.
Image Width  
field width
required false
default native
type int
value The width in pixels the image should be displayed at.
Accessibility Text  
field alt_text
required false
default “Instructor provided image”
type string
value The image’s alt text
notes When displaying an image you should use this field to describe the contents of the image. Such a description is useful to visually impaired users who may be using screen reading software.

Testcase Labels and References

With testcase labels and references it is possible to display feedback messages to students next to items that an autograding submission found incorrect.

To do this first add a testcase_label to a testcase item by creating a label, in this example “problem_1”:

    "validation": [
            "failure_message":"Incorrect Answer"

Then using the label you selected earlier, add a testcase_ref to the input/output item where you would like the feedback message displayed:

    "type" : "multiple_choice",
    "choices" : [
        {"value":"a", "description":"`int` can hold larger numbers than `long`"},
        {"value":"b", "description":"`long` can hold larger numbers than `int`"},
        {"value":"c", "description":"`int` and `long` can always hold the same numbers"},
        {"value":"d", "description":"`long` cannot store negative numbers"},
        {"value":"e", "description":"`long` can be used to store the number `3.14`"}
    "allow_multiple" : true,
    "filename" : "Q01.txt",
    "testcase_ref" : "problem_1"

File Submission areas

Notebook gradeables, by default, do not have a file submission area like normal gradeables, however, they can be placed within a notebook through the file_submission cell type.

Directory Name  
field directory
required true
type string
value The name of the directory associated with this submission area
notes When students submit a file to this submission area, the files will be uploaded to this directory
field label
required false
type string
value An optional label to display within a submission area
notes Submission areas will have the label “Drag and drop your label file(s) here or click to open file browser”