1. Login to the homework server. NOTE: If you are a developer/admin, you will need to switch user to the instructor user for that specific course, e.g.: sudo su smithj

  2. Go to the top level directory for that course. For example:

    cd /var/local/submitty/courses/f16/csci1200/ 

    NOTE: If your course is cross-listed (e.g., 4000 level for undergraduates 6000 level for graduate students), you probably want to choose just one course number for the directory. You can assign students to different registration sections to help organize the rainbow grades chart.

  3. Here is an overview of the course directory structure:

     └── local
         └── submitty
             └── courses
                 └── {semesters}          [e.g., "f15", "s16", "f16", "s17", ... ]
                     └── {courses}        [e.g., "csci1100", "csci1200", ... ]
                         ├── BUILD_{course_name}.sh
                         ├── bin
                         |   └── {course assignments}   [e.g., "hw01", "hw02", ... ]
                         |       └── {autograder executables}
                         ├── config
                         |   └── {course and assignment json config files}
                         ├── reports
                         |   └── {course assignments}
                         |       └── {students}.txt     [e.g., "jonesa.txt" ]
                         |   └── {course assignments}
                         |       └── all_grades  
                         |           └── {students}_summary.json [ "jonesa_summary.json" ]
                         |       └── summary_html
                         |           └── {students}_summary.html [ "jonesa_summary.html" ]
                         |           └── {students}_message.json [ "jonesa_message.json" ]
                         ├── results
                         |   └── {course assignments}
                         |       └── {students}         [e.g., "jonesa", "smithj", ... ]
                         |           └── {versions}     [e.g., "1", "2", "3", ... ]
                         |               └── {grades, logs, myers-diff data}
                         ├── submissions
                         |   └── {course assignments}
                         |       └── {students}
                         |           └── user_assignment_settings.json
                         |           └── {versions}
                         |               └── {student code, readme, timestamp (if 1-part hw)}
                         |               └── {parts (if multi-part)}[e.g."part1","part2",...]
                         |                   └── {student code, readme, timestamp}
                         ├── test_code
                         |   └── {course assignments}
                         |       └── {instructor source code files used in assignment}
                         ├── test_input
                         |   └── {course assignments}
                         |       └── {input text files used for grading}
                         └── test_output
                             └── {course assignments}
                                 └── {text files of expected outputs}
  4. In your top level directory, you’ll find a script named ```BUILD_csci1200.sh`` (with your course name instead of ‘csci1200’). To run this script, type:


    This will rebuild the configurations for all gradeables. Alternatively, you may provide the names of one or more gradeables:

    ./BUILD_csci1200.sh hw01 hw05

    This script must be re-run each time you add or edit a Gradeable, or modify the assignment configuration details in corresponding config.json or the associated assignment files.

    If you are only using system-provided configurations (e.g., no_autograding) or you are uploading configurations through the web interface, the script will re-run automatically.

    On the other hand, if you are writing custom configurations within a private repository (that is not accessible to the system submitty_daemon user, you will need to manually re-run this build script.

    For more details, please see: Assignment Configuration Details

    NOTE: The script copies your homework configuration and testing files to the different subdirectories (build, test_code, test_input, test_output, and config), and compiles the config.h file with the core grading code located in /usr/local/submitty/src/grading/ to produce executables (stored in the bin directory) that will be used for grading each submission. You should not manually edit any files in these directories because they will be overwritten the next time ./BUILD_csci1200.sh is run.

  5. When assignment submissions are received for this course, they are stored in the submissions directory (or the checkout directory for SVN repository submissions). All versions of all homeworks for all students are stored. The file user_assignments_settings.json stores the current “ACTIVE” assignment, and this history of changes to the “ACTIVE” assignment made by the student.

    In a parallel directory hierarchy named results you can review the autograding results, and all associated log files (which are helpful for debugging).

    Finally, in the reports directory you can review text files with the TA grades and per student overall course grade summaries.