First Phase: Compilation

  1. Create a temporary directory for autograding this student’s submission.

  2. Create a temporary subdirectory for compilation.

  3. Copy the student’s submitted source code (for compiled languages) to this temporary directory. Note: The copied files can be controlled with the submission_to_compilation variable in config.json.

  4. Copy the files from the provided_code directory into the temporary compilation subdirectory.

  5. Scan through the testcases in the config.json for all testcases with type = “compilation”.

  6. Execute the “command”(s) for the compilation testcases.

  7. Rename the STDOUT.txt, STDERR.txt, execution logfiles, and specified output files that are to have been created by the program execution (prefix with test case number).

Second Phase: Execution

  1. Create a temporary subdirectory for runner and validation work.

  2. Copy the student’s submitted source code (for interpreted languages) to the tmp_work subdirectory. Note: The copied files can be controlled with the submission_to_runner variable in config.json.

  3. Copy the test input files to the tmp_work subdirectory.

  4. Copy the compiled executables from the tmp_compilation subdirectory to the tmp_work subdirectory. Note: The copied files can be controlled with the compilation_to_runner variable in config.json.

  5. Scan through the testcases in the config.json for all testcases with type = “execution”.

  6. Execute the “command”(s) for the execution testcases.

  7. Rename the STDOUT.txt, STDERR.txt, execution logfiles, and specified output files that are to have been created by the program execution (prefix with test case number).

Third Phase: Validation

  1. Copy specific files as needed from the student’s submission languages to the tmp_work subdirectory. Note: These files are specified with the submission_to_validation variable in config.json.

  2. Copy the custom validation code into the tmp_work subdirectory.

  3. Copy the expected test output into the tmp_work subdirectory.

  4. Copy output files from compilation from the tmp_compilation subdirectory to the tmp_work subdirectory. Note: The copied files can be controlled with the compilation_to_validation variable in config.json.

  5. Scan through the test cases in the config.json and perform the validation checks indicated within each check.

  6. Calculate the score for each test case, and determine what messages and files should be displayed for each test case.

  7. Write the results.json and grade.txt files.

  8. Copy files as needed from the tmp_work directory for archive to the details subfolder of the student’s results directory for this assignment and submission version. Note: The copied files can be controlled with the work_to_details variable in config.json.

Variables to move files

As outlined in the above sections & diagrams, there are 6 different configuration settings in the config.json to control the movement of files. Some of them have reasonable defaults for assignments that are compiling and running Python, C++, and Java programs (we may update these defaults in future revisions to Submitty). Each setting should be a list of one or more strings to match against files. You may use wildcards. Example of syntax:

    "autograding" : {
        "submission_to_compilation" : [ "part1/*.pdf" ],
        "submission_to_runner" : [ "part2/*.pdf", "special.xlsx" ],
        "compilation_to_runner" : [ "**/*.pdf" ],
        "submission_to_validation" : [ "part3/*.png" ],
        "compilation_to_validation" : [ "*/*.pdf" ],
        "work_to_details" : [ "*.pdf" ]

These file match patterns will be appended to the Submitty defaults, defined here: grading/load_config_json.cpp