Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) is available starting with release v22.07.00.
To configure your system:
Download and install on your server Submitty version v22.07.00 or later.
Generate the meta data file for your server.
Make the directory
mkdir -p /usr/local/submitty/config/saml/certs/ cd /usr/local/submitty/config/saml/certs/
Generate private key and certificate. NOTE: these will be placed in current directory.
openssl req -x509 -sha256 -nodes -days 8000 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout sp.key -out sp.crt
Sample interaction:
Country Name (2 letter code) [AU]: <INSERT YOUR ANSWER> State or Province Name (full name) [Some-State]: <INSERT YOUR ANSWER> Locality Name (eg, city) []: <INSERT YOUR ANSWER> Organization Name (eg, company) [Internet Widgits Pty Ltd]: <INSERT YOUR ANSWER> Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []: <INSERT YOUR ANSWER> Common Name (e.g. server FQDN or YOUR name) []: <INSERT YOUR ANSWER> Email Address []: <INSERT YOUR ANSWER>
are in/usr/local/submitty/config/saml/certs/
Set the ownership and permissions on the key
(it should not be shared with anyone!) and certificatecp.crt
(will be shared with your Identify Provider):chgrp submitty_php /usr/local/submitty/config/saml/ chgrp submitty_php /usr/local/submitty/config/saml/certs/ chgrp submitty_php /usr/local/submitty/config/saml/certs/sp.crt chgrp submitty_php /usr/local/submitty/config/saml/certs/sp.key chmod g+r /usr/local/submitty/config/saml/certs/sp.key
Fetch the metadata from your Identity Provider (IdP) and create and save it as file
For example, if your IdP’s metadata is stored here:
Then you would type:
curl > /usr/local/submitty/config/saml/idp_metadata.xml
And set the ownership and permissions of this file:
chgrp submitty_php /usr/local/submitty/config/saml/idp_metadata.xml
Prepare the metadata file. Run:
/usr/local/submitty/sbin/saml_utils.php --generate_metadata
Send the metadata file,
to the sysadmins for your Identity Provider.Note: This file does not need to be preserved on your system – the owner/group permissions on this file are not important, it’s ok to leave this file owned and accessible only by root.
Configure SAML
Get the SAML username attribute from your Identity Provider (IdP). After a user is successfully authenticated, the username attribute is the field from the return object that contains the user’s username.
to enable SAML, specify the SAML username attribute, and customize login message.python3 /usr/local/submitty/GIT_CHECKOUT/Submitty/.setup/
You can press
to keep the current settings for most of the settings, except:What authentication method to use: 1. PamAuthentication 2. DatabaseAuthentication 3. LdapAuthentication 4. SamlAuthentication Enter number?: [1] 4 Enter name you would like shown to user for authentication?: <YOUR CUSTOM MESSAGE E.g., "Login with your University ID via Duo"> Enter SAML username attribute?: <ENTER THE SAML username attribute>
Reinstall Submitty, run:
Customize the username validation script, which is used to differentiate and/or verify the validity of SAML usernames and proxy users. Modify the sample SAML validation C++ program as necessary for your Identity Provider and university policies.
#include <iostream> #include <regex> #include <string> // see also: // int main(int argc, char** argv) { // must be called with a single argument, the username to validate // as a SAML username if (argc != 2) { std::cout << "invalid" << std::endl; return 0; } // exceptions for VALID usernames if (std::string(argv[1]) == "actually_a_valid_username" ) { std::cout << "valid" << std::endl; return 0; } // exceptions for INVALID usernames if (std::string(argv[1]) == "abc" || std::string(argv[1]) == "def" || ) { std::cout << "invalid" << std::endl; return 0; } // general pattern for VALID usernames if (std::regex_match(argv[1], std::regex("^[a-z]{2,6}[0-9]{0,2}$"))) { std::cout << "valid" << std::endl; return 0; } std::cout << "invalid" << std::endl; }
Compile this program to an executable with the path
:clang++ -g -O3 -o /usr/local/submitty/config/saml/validate /usr/local/submitty/config/saml/validate.cpp
Set the owner, group, and permissions of this file, NOTE:
must have execute permissions:chown root:submitty_php /usr/local/submitty/config/saml/validate chmod 750 /usr/local/submitty/config/saml/validate
Put all current users into the SAML table by running:
/usr/local/submitty/sbin/saml_utils.php --add_users
This program may run for a few minutes, it will take a few seconds per user on your system. It checks the SAML validity of every username and inserts this information into the
table of the main Submitty database. -
Inspect the contents of the SAML user data in the main Submitty database.
select * from saml_mapped_users;
Most student users will have a one-to-one mapping from their SAML id/username to their Submitty user id.
id | saml_id | user_id | active ----+---------+---------+-------- 1 | smithj | smithj | t 2 | jonesb2 | jonesb2 | t 3 | leec | leec | t ...
An instructor user with a secondary account for testing can have multiple Submitty id’s mapped to the same SAML id/username.
id | saml_id | user_id | active ----+---------+------------+-------- ... 4 | ortizf | ortizf | t 5 | ortizf | ortizf-stu | t ...
Multiple SAML id’s may be mapped to the same user_id to facilitate access to a shared Submitty system admin account. For example: To allow If multiple users can logAn instructor user with a secondary account for testing can have multiple Submitty id’s mapped to the samel SAML id/username.
id | saml_id | user_id | active ----+---------+----------------+-------- ... 6 | kingd | submitty_admin | t 7 | warde4 | submitty_admin | t ...
Periodically, check the validity and completeness of data in the saml table using the username validation script:
/usr/local/submitty/sbin/saml_utils.php --validate_users
This program may run for a few minutes, it will take a few seconds per user on your system.
Correct and/or add additional SAML id to Submitty user id mappings to this table either through manual database inserts or using the Web UI, accessible from the left sidebar of a superuser account,
SAML Management
.TODO: add screenshots
Customize your login screen. Write markdown in
.For example:
 Submitty now uses Authentication via Cisco Duo. Contact if you have problems or questions.
After making the switch to SAML, you will likely want to force everyone to re-authenticate with your new Identity Provider (IdP). This can be done in a few ways:
By clearing the session table in the database.
Or, by running It will clear the jwt secret and invalidate all current sessions.