Supported Distros

The Submitty Homework Submission Server is currently supported on the following platforms:

Distro Version Supported Release Page
Ubuntu 22.04 Yes Release Page
Ubuntu 20.04 No (Since 07/2023) Release Page
Ubuntu 18.04 No Release Page
Ubuntu 16.04 No (Since 05/2019) Release Page
Debian 8 No (Since 05/2019) Release Page

We suggest you using the amd64 releases for a release when installing it. Support for other architectures should mostly work, but are unsupported. We also suggest using the server installation option if available to save on size of the image.

Note: We commit to supporting at least the latest LTS version of Ubuntu. Additionally, after officially supporting that version, we will drop support of the last LTS release after the end of the next academic year from when we added support of the new LTS version. For the other distros, we will attempt to support the latest version before dropping support, but may drop support at anytime.

Partitioning the disk

Assuming this is a standalone machine with no other information on the disk, we recommend manually partitioning the machine to prevent submissions (in /var/local/submitty/courses) or docker images (in /var/lib/docker) from filling up the root partition.

/     30G   (set as the primary partition and make it bootable)
swap  (1-2 times the amount of memory you have)
/usr  30G
/var  the rest of the space to hold the bulk of the submissions