Submitty is setup such that it uses one “master” Database and then each course that is added would have its own DB. The master DB (named submitty) contains all of the courses, users, the courses the users are in, as well as the users’ login sessions. Within each course DB (named submitty_${SEMESTER}_${COURSE}), there are the gradeables, users, grades, etc. that are specific only to that course.

The schema for these databases are contained within the Submitty repo under site/data:

As we use the master DB to contain all users in the system, we use this as the central place to run most inserts/updates of User data, using triggers to sync that data to all of the affected course DBs. These triggers are:

  1. UPDATE trigger on users. When you update a user, it selects all courses that user is part of from the courses_users table and updates the user row in each of those course DBs.

  2. INSERT trigger on courses_users. When you insert a new row, a new user row is created in the users table for the course DB.

  3. UPDATE trigger on courses_users. When you update a row, the associated user row for that course is updated in its course DB.

While this places some amount of complexity on running and managing the system, it additionally allows for a nice granularity of being able to give instructors (or TAs if necessary) access to the Submitty DB for only their course without worrying about them seeing too much information or violating FERPA concerns.

Within submitty itself, when you create or edit a user (whether from the Manage Students or Manage Graders pages), it always inserts/updates to the master DB, which then subsequently updates our user in each of the course DBs.

Creation of the submitty DB is handled when you run, but if you need to start over, you would need to do:

sudo su postgres
psql -c "CREATE DATABASE submitty;"
psql -d submitty -f /usr/local/submitty/GIT_CHECKOUT/Submitty/migration/migrator/data/submitty_db.sql
psql -d submitty -c "alter schema public owner to submitty_dbuser;"

Then, continue setup by following the Course Creation instructions.