We use database migrations to handle updating Submitty’s databases, both in development and production, in such a way that it is repeatable, easy to see the status of a given database, and that we are not left with partial DB upgrades due to a broken script.

To do this, we utilize a custom migration tool written for Submitty, migrator. This tool can be used manually, as well as being baked into the installation/upgrade procedure of Submitty. For instance, running /usr/local/submitty/.setup/INSTALL_SUBMITTY.sh will apply any pending migrations for all environments.

The migrator tool has three distinct “environments” that all have their own unique list of migrations. They are:

Where system migrations should deal mainly with package installation/changes, system changes, new dependencies, etc. master migraitons deals with changes to the master Submitty database. course migrations are applied individually to each course detected in /var/local/submitty/courses and can be used to adjust the courses’ DB, config files, etc.

For all commands, it is required that you pass in the environment you wish to operate on to migrator.

See also: System Administration / Update Submitty

NOTE: Some mandatory installation updates should not be implemented via the migration system if automatic updates may be problematic due to customized installation. For example, Submitty updates should not attempt to automatically edit the Apache configuration. PR’s requiring manual system administrator edits before/after installation should be prefixed by [SYSADMIN ACTION].

See also: How to make a Pull Request(PR) to Submitty

Manually Applying Migrations

To manually run or apply all new, unapplied migrations to your system and existing courses you can run:

sudo python3 /usr/local/submitty/GIT_CHECKOUT/Submitty/migration/run_migrator.py -e <environment> migrate

Migrations are run in chronological order in a set order of master, system, and then course, regardless the order you specify the environments on the CLI.

After a migration is applied, the status is stored in the master database (for system or master database migrations) or the course database (for course migrations).

To see additional options, run:

sudo python3 /usr/local/submitty/GIT_CHECKOUT/Submitty/migration/run_migrator.py -h

Rolling Back or Reverting a Migration

It can be useful during development to rollback or undo a migration. The commands below will undo the most recent migration (in chronological order) to the system installation, master database, or course database, respectively:

sudo python3 /usr/local/submitty/GIT_CHECKOUT/Submitty/migration/run_migrator.py -e system rollback
sudo python3 /usr/local/submitty/GIT_CHECKOUT/Submitty/migration/run_migrator.py -e master rollback
sudo python3 /usr/local/submitty/GIT_CHECKOUT/Submitty/migration/run_migrator.py -e course rollback

View Status of Migrations

It may be useful to get an overview of the status of migrations for the different environments. To do this, run:

sudo python3 /usr/local/submitty/GIT_CHECKOUT/Submitty/migration/run_migrator.py -e <environment> status

This will output a table showing the migrations that are UP or DOWN.

Writing New Migrations

If your bugfix or new feature requires a change to the system installation, or the master or course database, or the course directory or file structure:

  1. You should make the necessary edits to build a new system from scratch in the relevant files, e.g.:

    GIT_CHECKOUT/Submitty/.setup/install_system.sh, or the files in GIT_CHECKOUT/Submitty/.setup/distro_setup/

  2. And you should also prepare a migration file of the appropriate type (system, master, or course) to update an existing system and existing courses. A migration is a python file with 2 optional functions, up (called for the migrate command) and down (called for the rollback command). Run the appropriate command below to create the template with the appropriate function signatures:

    sudo python3 /usr/local/submitty/GIT_CHECKOUT/Submitty/migration/run_migrator.py -e system create <MY_MIGRATION_NAME>
    sudo python3 /usr/local/submitty/GIT_CHECKOUT/Submitty/migration/run_migrator.py -e master create <MY_MIGRATION_NAME>
    sudo python3 /usr/local/submitty/GIT_CHECKOUT/Submitty/migration/run_migrator.py -e course create <MY_MIGRATION_NAME>

    A new file will be created in the appropriate subfolder of /usr/local/submitty/GIT_CHECKOUT/Submitty/migration/migrator/migrations/. The file will be named with the current date (year, month, day, hour, minute, second) and migration name string you supplied. The filename pattern will allow the migration system to chronologically sort your changes relative to existing & future changes. The created file has a string defining the arguments for that file, but largely, it’s a config object for Submitty (for accessing info stored in /usr/local/submitty/config), a database object to make changes to the DB via a SQLAlchemy session, and then for course migration, the semester and course being affected. For interacting with the DB, you’ll mainly just want to use:

    database.execute("SQL QUERY TO RUN")

    which will run the query automatically within a transaction that’s started before running the migration file.

    See the existing migrations for examples.

    NOTE: The up and down functions are optional to be defined and you can omit the function if you do not need it for your migration.

    NOTE: In general, your down migration should only undo the necessary changes to make earlier versions of the Submitty software work. For example, if your migration is adding a column to an existing table in the database, it is probably not necessary or desirable to delete that data in the down function. We don’t want to lose any data since we likely plan to return to this state in the future. Your down function may be empty.

    Thus, it is important to ensure that the up migration can be re-run after the corresponding down migration is run. For example, your up function should not crash on adding the column if the column already exists.

  3. After you have written your migration to update an existing system and are satisfied with it, you must also update the base .sql files used to create a new Submitty system. To accomplish this, first apply the migration that you wrote in the previous step, placing the DB into the desired end state, and then run the following command from within the Vagrant VM:

    sudo python3 /usr/local/submitty/GIT_CHECKOUT/Submitty/migration/run_migrator.py -e master -e course dump

    This will update migration/migrator/data/submitty_db.sql and migration/migrator/data/course_tables.sql. If you only wish to update one of them, you can use just -e master for submitty_db.sql and -e course and course_tables.sql.

  4. Lastly, you should verify that the edits made to the database schema(s) match what you intended to edit in the following file(s):

    GIT_CHECKOUT/Submitty/migration/migrator/data/submitty_db.sql GIT_CHECKOUT/Submitty/migration/migrator/data/course_tables.sql

    If the edits are not inline with what you intended, you may have to modify your new migration in order to achieve the desired result.