What is the Homework Submission Server URL for your course? (Your instructor should provide this information.) Load this URL in your favorite web browser.
Have your login credentials ready. (Again, your instructor should provide this information.) If you have trouble authenticating/accessing the page, double check the URL and your username and password, and contact the instructor, TA, or system administrator as appropriate.
My Courses
Welcome to Submitty! From this gateway page, you can access your current courses and past courses (until they are archived and removed from student view).
Find the course from the choices and click the button to enter the course and access course materials, assignments, participate in the online discussion forum, view your grades, and more. If you don’t see a specific course on the list, contact the instructor or teaching staff for the course or system administrator for your school or department.
Some courses may be ‘Available for Self Registration’. These courses you can register for without the instructor adding you. To join the course, click on the button for the course, and in click on the button titled ‘Register’. This will alert the instructor that you have joined the course. They can still remove you from the course, however they don’t have to add you.
My Profile
This page shows all your profile specific information. On this page, you can edit your preferred names, your time-zone, your password (if enabled on your system), theme to use submitty, and your profile photo.