User Access Level

At the system level, Submitty has 3 levels of user access. This information is stored in the master Submitty database, users table, user_access_level column.

When a superuser or faculty level user logs in and visits the main home screen for Submitty, their access level is listed in the “About You” box.

From this home screen superuser and faculty users can create new courses. We plan to add other features for these users in future releases.

User Group or Role

Within a specific course, a user will be a member of one of the following groups.

NOTE: User Access Level for the system is separate from User Group for each course. Typically users with Faculty User Access Level will be in the Instructor Group for each of their courses, but this is not required. In fact, it can be helpful for faculty users to explore the Submitty interface for a specific course as a member of the Student User Group. And sometimes it is useful to put the head graduate teaching assistant in the Instructor group for a large course so they can assist with course management.

See also Create or Edit Gradeable