You’ve been asked to review another developer’s work, which has been posted to GitHub as an open pull request (PR). What do you need to do?

  1. Read the Suggestions for New Developers.

  2. Make sure you understand the purpose of the PR. Read the notes in the PR and read the notes from any issues that are referenced in the PR.

    • What bug(s) is the PR attempting to fix?

      If it’s a bug, it’s a good idea to try to reproduce the problem from the current main branch. Make sure you understand the sequence of actions needed to produce the erroneous behavior.

    • What new feature(s) is the PR adding?

      If it’s a new feature, make sure you understand the purpose of the new feature and how it’s supposed to work. As needed, test the current main branch to understand how the system works without the new feature.

  3. Checkout the branch containing the bug fixes and/or new feature.

    • If the PR is a branch of the main Submitty repository, you can check it out with

      git checkout BRANCH_NAME
    • If the PR is from a fork of the main Submitty repository, first create a new branch based of the pull request ID (PR_ID). The new branch will be called BRANCH_NAME in this example

      git fetch origin pull/PR_ID/head:BRANCH_NAME

      Then, checkout the new branch.

      git checkout BRANCH_NAME

      Now you have a version of the code in a new branch on the main repo. Review the PR normally and delete the temporary branch when you are done

    • If you need to make edits to a PR made from a branch in a forked repo, see:
      How to Checkout and Commit to a Fork PR

  4. Re-install the system as necessary

  5. Test the system with typical use cases. Think about how a novice user will experience this portion of the Submitty system. Is it clear and intuitive? Are the instructions (on page or on clear? As appropriate leave comments for the PR author with specific suggestions for improvement.

    Test the system with extreme use cases or corner cases. Try to break the overall system or new feature. If you find an error, leave a comment in the PR describing how to reproduce the problem.

  6. Look through the source code for the pull request. Depending on your familiarity with this portion of the code, your review may be cursory or in depth.

    • Does the new or modified code have adequate comments?

    • Is the code well structured into functions and/or classes?

    • Has the PR introduced code duplication? Should the code make use of existing functions/classes? Or modify existing functions with new parameters so code sharing is feasible?

    • Critique code for security-related vulnerabilities.

    • Critique code for programming language-specific coding & style conventions.

    • Does the PR require system level changes or database updates to work with older, existing installations? Does the PR include necessary changes to automate these updates using a course or system-wide Migration?

  7. Is the PR title appropriate? Are the PR notes sufficient? Will a system administrator understand the purpose & importance of installing this commit on their system?

  8. Through the github review system, leave feedback and comments and indicate whether you approve as is or require changes on this PR before it can be merged.

    If you have indicated that changes are necessary, be prompt in following up with the PR author as the changes are made, and hopefully, in short order, approving that the code be merged into the main branch.

See also How to Make a Pull Request.